Today (meaning several weeks ago as this blog has been long in the planning) the sermon was on it's supposed to be. I was so thankful for that sermon because I feel like so many people need to hear it. Myself included.
I feel like I've really struggled to find community here...but really the problem is that I haven't been looking at it through the eyes of God.
Let me back up a bit. In 2004 I graduated from high school and a few months later was a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill. AT ORIENTATION over the summer, I met Holly. Out of an incoming freshman class of approximately 4,000...Holly was in my group. We were the only Teaching Fellows in the group, and Holly was the only one with drop-dead-gorgeous red hair. Needless to say, it was easy to remember her name and face:)
Then, shortly thereafter, I met other awesome people too like Kristen, Lauren, Shannon, and Kristin. Through other Divine Interventions, these lovely gals became friends of mine. And some of them even pledged temporary insanity and lived with me! We shared things like classes, extra-curricular activities, Spring Break trips, Bible Studies, church going, meals, apartments, even the same job location...the list is practically endless. I was blessed enough to do life with these women. I am overwhelmingly blessed to still consider myself very close with each of them.
What am I trying to say? Well, we've got 9 years of friendship under our belts. And why is this relevant?
I think I moved to Knoxville expecting to make friends (like my 9 years and counting friends) in just a few months. Oops. Now, could this have happened....made an instant connection with someone and felt amazingly close to them after a short time? Sure, of course it could happen. But it's not that likely. It WILL happen in Heaven though and I can't wait for that!
So, here I am. I've lived in Knoxville for about 15 months and I'm finally realizing that I've been throwing myself a pity party about "not having any super close friends here". Maybe this is a season God wants me to go through, to teach me that I rely WAY too much on other people for my happiness. Because I do that. If you didn't know.
Well, sometime this past Spring/Summer, I saw something pop up on one of my weekly blog checks. I saw it on Jen Hatmaker's blog. If you've never heard of Jen Hatmaker, that is okay...I hadn't heard of her either until pretty recently. She's the though. She is so cool I wish I lived in Austin, TX just so I could accidentally run into her and then invite myself to have coffee with her. But I've gone down a rabbit trail here.
What did I find on Jen's blog? Something grand. Something so God, in His perfect timing. Knowing that community...deep, authentic, life-changing community is something that I crave and desire. I desire to cultivate it and to be a part of it. I desire to be nourished and refreshed as well as to mentor and guide in community like this. Many of you have probably heard of it by now.
The IF Gathering. It is going to blow my mind. I just know it. I so badly wanted to ask for plane money for my bday so I could fly to Austin and participate...and maybe even get that coffee with Jen H. A twofer! Well, then the conference cost was going to be too much, then they cut the cost completely and I had hope that maybe, just maybe I could swing it. Then the government started shutting down and hubby's job became filled with uncertainty. Right around the time that registration opened for IF. And then there is the fact that the 1,200 seats got swallowed up in 42 minutes. I basically didn't have a shot in H of going to Austin. Not when we are in house-saving mode...a $370 plane ticket just doesn't help with that.
But wait, don't despair...God has opened the doors for IF, opened the hearts of those who are the brain-children of this little outfit...and here is where I say IF:LOCAL BABY! They are doing live webcasts of the conference:) All the awesome parts, except the part where they go out and get coffee and dinner together and talk at awesome Austin restaurants. They're not webcasting that. Probably a good plan. Even though it means I can't have coffee with Jen, even through the internet. Life will go on.
IF:Local, IF:Knoxville! Hubby has given me the green light. I don't think he fully understands what he's just agreed to. I don't think I have either. All I know is that I'm all in. Even if my community is about to change for the second time in two years...due to another pending move to a currently unknown town. Even IF my community is going to change soon, that doesn't mean I can't soak up the community that is here...and become more equipped to cultivate new community wherever we land next.
With all that said, I'm inviting you to my table. I'm inviting you to be all in with me. I have no idea where we will apartment is only so big and I'm praying that more than will actually fit want to come (this keeps me from having to clean you see - I'm lazy about cleaning sometimes). I hope women in Knoxville want to bust wide open for some authentic community. I know I do. Will you join me. Will you come? Will you invite a friend?
If you feel that stirring from deep within...that's God....He's nudging you. He wants to see you at His table. He's already pulled out your chair for you. Won't you come and dine with Him and some other women in Knoxville? I'd love to meet you and share coffee...even if you aren't Jen Hatmaker :)
IF:Knoxville is if you're all in!