Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm ready...

...for Christmas!

Someone asked me last week if I was ready for Christmas and I responded with an excited, YES! 

Here are reasons why I'm no particular order:

1. We picked out a lovely 7ft. Fraser Fir courtesy of Home Depot on Nov. 27 and my sweet hubby put all the lights on that same night!

2. All of the ornaments were placed on the tree, plus some silver icicley things I bought last year by Nov. 28.

3.  As of a few days ago, ALL of my Christmas shopping/gifting AND wrapping is COMPLETE!  Phew.

4. Our stockings are hung by the digital piano with care.

5. The Christmas dishes and place mats have been making an appearance since Nov. 26.

6. I bought cute decorations a week after Christmas LAST YEAR at 90% off the original price and got to use them THIS YEAR!  I have garland on our banister, snowmen at the 1/2 way point on our stairs, over 30 new ornaments, and a Happy Holidays welcome mat. 

               6a.  My mom moved into a new house and the people living there previously gave her a lot of their old things...and she gave what she didn't want to me and my sister!  Score:)  So I walked away with even more ornaments and a wreath for our front door!!!!

7. Our church is beautifully decorated!

8.  The children's choir sang last week and the adult choir is singing next week - so fun!

9.  I got a manicure (for free!) last week and made sure the color was as close to Christmas red as humanly possible.

10.  We've attended our first of 3 Christmas parties already:)  Yay for meeting hubby's work friends!

11. We went to the Oak Ridge Christmas Parade last night and it was so much fun.  There were over 100 floats to see.  It was a great parade, and we got some free candy to boot!

12. We have a basic traveling plan already laid out. 

13. The series at our church this month is called Glimpse.  We are going through the OT looking at glimpses of our Savior who is coming.  It has been very good and rewarding.

14. I'm eagerly anticipating the celebration of Jesus' arrival.  My Deliverer.  Immanuel.  God with me.

Are you ready?

Honestly now, this is the first year where I'm not seriously stressing about this holiday.  It's very tempting to get stressed this time of year.  But because of #14 on my list, I don't have to stress.  And you don't either.  He is coming.  Whether your gifts are all bought, wrapped, and delivered on time, or not...whether your tree is up or not...whether you've drank egg nog already or not...He is coming...whether you visit your family or not...whether you sing carols or bah humbug your way through the season, Christ is coming.  For you.  For me.

He is coming because we need saving, and He loves us that humble Himself in the form of man, to walk on earth, and deliver us from sin's grasp.  He is coming to offer you freedom.  This Christmas season, will you be set free?  Or will you remain wrapped up in just a "snuggie" feel good Jesus that sounds nice, and looks cute in a nativity scene...never to really impact your life at all. 

It's your choice.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, I'm enjoying the Christmas season too! I liked #4 on your list :)
