Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 18/19 Childhood Memory and My Fav Blogs

One of my favorite childhood memories is from when I was around 6.  It was Christmas and this Christmas was one of the few where we actually had snow over the Christmas holiday.  My dad surprised my sister and I with one of the most fun gifts we'd ever received (and have received since).  He took us outside in our pjs and coats to reveal a GO CART!  It had an awesome orange flag sticking up from the back.  Space for 2, with a seatbelt.  Gas pedal and brakes, plus a kill switch on the wheel.  Painted red.  This baby could fly as we were about to find out. 

My dad had purchased it from a friend at work who had 2 sons in their tween years and couldn't fit into it anymore.  I'm sure my mom was stoked about putting her 4 and 6 year old in charge of a moving vehicle.  Nonetheless, my dad had fixed the motor so that it would not go over a certain speed since I'm also sure that 12 year old boys would want to go faster than me at age 6. 

We squealed with delight when we saw it and immediately wanted to drive it.  Dad would only let me drive to start with...sissy had to wait til she was older I think.  He taught me about the gas and brakes and made sure I understood what the kill switch was for.  He taught me quickly about turning left and right...basically a 5 minute driver's ed was I prepared for Coach Wall when I was 15 :).  I was ready.  PJs, coat, orange flag...and a need for speed! 

The first test run was on the driveway...which is 75 ft long.  Dad cranks it like you would a push mower or a bushwhacker thing.  I hit the gas.  Mom is inside probably about to have a coronary.  Sissy is watching from the garage.  My dad says, "Ok, slowly hit the gas."  I hit it a little harder than "slowly" and I think I accidentally hit the kill switch 3 seconds later.  Or something.  All I remember of what was next was dad saying I'd need more room than just this driveway.  So he wheels it 'round back where we had 2 more acres to play in the snow.

I get all buckled in again with the wide open range ahead of me (at least that is what it felt like), he cranks 'er up and goes, "Hit it!"  VROOM!  My steering wheel was cocked to the left enough that I did about 3 doughnuts in the snow before straightening things out and zooming into my neighbors yard! The best part is that dad caught all of this on the camcorder and he starts saying, "Shanda?  Shanda?  SHANDAAAA HIT THE SWITCH!"  I guess he didn't want me plowing into the woods on the opposite side of their yard.  I also think he realized that he'd have to kick down the speed of this engine even more...because he clocked me at about 20 mph I think :)  Did you hear me say I was six?  I should've been a race car driver!

(Some of) My Fav Blogs

Oh Sweet Joy Kim is a doll.  She makes beautiful things, has a sweet new baby, is super fashionable, and a strong believer.  I love following her even though she has no clue who I am:)

The Anderson Crew I really enjoy reading about this family of six kids :)  Emily is another strong woman of faith that I look up to and I love reading about parenting, crafts, adoption, faith, and marriage via her blog.

It's Marvelous This is a girl I actually know, Page.  We were in the same Bible Study in college for all four years and I adore her.  I've enjoyed following where God has led her family and I'm also gathering great parenting tips for that one day someday when I'm a momma too. 

Rooted This is my hubby.  I came up with his blog title :)  He's amazing.  A super wonderful, introspective writer, and a mechanical engineer who plays piano to wind down after work.  Man, God sure did bless this gal. 

Jen Hatmaker I heard her speak recently at Cedar Springs Church here in Knoxville on a book she wrote about getting rid of "excess" in her life.  She's another powerhouse of a mom and has Jesus in her heart.  I loved listening to her talk about excess and how her family battled it.  Her blog is just as inspiring.

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