June 1 - We attended a wedding for my dear friend Becca who I know from CBSP '07 and I was reunited with some of my CBSP loves! It was a wonderful wedding and I'm so blessed to have witnessed it.
June 5-12 We spent this week in North Carolina! Hubby had to do some collaborative work at Duke and I tagged along to see old friends:) It was amazing. We stayed with his gma and got to visit his parents and sisters. We saw friends from Church of the Good Shepherd and I saw a lot of my HVE friends! My heart was so full after getting to visit with them. We planned the trip so that I could go to my old students' 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony too. I taught that group of kiddos when they were in 2nd grade and again for their 4th grade year so it was very special that I could witness them graduating from elementary school. It made me miss HVE so much, the kids and my friends/co-workers. I was thankful that I could help some of them on the teacher workdays after the last day of school. Anything just to be around them again. Like a true breath of fresh air. Oh and did I mention that we ate a celebratory dinner at the Angus Barn for our 3rd anniversary?? Free pound cake anyone?

The rest of June was a whirlwind of hubby traveling to CA for a conference, Amachi hangouts with our mentees, and me settling into my new job as the Executive Assistant at Hope Resource Center!
July 3-6 We traveled to Charlottesville, VA to visit Chris and Louisa! They are such wonderful hosts and planned an amazing weekend. We went to Monticello on the 4th and then to a park to watch fireworks, ate at delicious restaurants, went to see Monsters U, consignment shopping with Louisa, peach picking, cave diving (not really, just a tour), putt putting, OMG we were busy. But I LOVE spending time with them. Pictures for you, all out of order...I have NO IDEA how to get pictures to do what I want them to do on this blog...if anyone is more seasoned at blogging, please help me!
A little more than a week after this trip we went to New Hampshire with hubby's family! This was my fav trip to NH yet. The temps reached the low 90s on a few days and the water was refreshing instead of bone-cold!
After NH, I traveled to Asheville with two of my college roomies! This trip was also tons of fun. Kristin and I ate at some amazing local spots while Shannon had to learn how to be a great teacher leader:) In the evenings though, we rocked that town...3D movie night to see The Great Gatsby and Les Mis at the local theater! Heck yes! Suffice it to say that July was insanely awesome for this gal. I had a ball!
August - Melting Pot bday dinner for hubbs plus a visit from sissy and Kevin! Spontaneous hiking of The Chimneys, joining a new Bible Study (3D group!), getting more responsibilities at HOPE :), an upcoming baseball game, and visit with mom and Grammy at the end of the month. Seriously? Do we ever slow down? Yes. Usually just long enough to plan what's next :)
So, how was your summer?
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