Thursday, May 16, 2013

A (yester)Day in the Life of...ME

BSB morning commute

Lots of horsie farms on the way to work

Teacher Appreciation Lunch :)

What I come home to after work:)

Funny Bunny!

Some down time playing a new game.

Grocery list additions

This was dinner; is it obvious that I need to go to the store?

They wanted dinner too. 

He even did tricks to try and get fed sooner.

I did some more crocheting in the sun!

Lots of job applying going on here.

Not even up to date, but a very full month of May.

This pic reminds me that I saw a momma duck and her ducklings on 40 W yesterday!

Hubby is so sweet.

We hydrate in my house, a lot.

This isn't a typical day in my life.  It's a rare occurrence that the Rush and I have a date.

Evening playtime before bed.  He made that hole by the way. 

So he could do stuff like this while lying in the house.  And so he could escape and sneak attack Cassie when she's not looking.

And that was my Wednesday. 


  1. Wow, did not know you were applying for jobs!!! What are you looking for??Your kitties look like fun. I wish I had an iphone would have been so much easier to do this blog entry! I kept forgetting to carry my camera around!
