Thursday, May 2, 2013

One of My God-given Gifts Is:

Lovin' on people...

Can I just preface this with something?  I like spreadin' the love all around.  I pour out my heart to others because I was first loved by God.  In response to His love for me, I share that same love with others.  Now, this doesn't mean that my heart is that pure about it all the time.  No one is that perfect.  No one ever will be.  Sometimes I love because I want something in return...even if only just a little recognition for being so awesome at loving...sometimes what I want is for that person to love on me back.  There are other reasons I'm sure (like the whole "kill 'em with kindness" kinda thing) but those are probably my biggest two impure motives when loving on other people. 

Truly, my motivation should always be selfless, just to bring glory to God and joy to the other person.  This takes prayer and practice.  I must pray for a pure heart while I'm serving and I must practice serving while expecting NOTHING in return...ever.  I have to practice being okay with that.  I have to pray for peace in my heart to receive that "nothing".  It's not easy.  Even for someone who loves loving :). 

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